Sunday, October 19, 2008

Introduction to Reiki

Reiki is universal life form energy. Reiki increases immunity, positive energy in every living being (e.g. humans, animals and even plans).

Where Reiki can be used?

Reiki can be used for self healing and can also be used to heal & help others. Reiki draws cosmic energy into you increase health, wealth and prosperity. Reiki can also be done along with all the other medical therapies. Infect when it is done along with other therapies it helps in curing the disease faster. There are no side effects or negative effects of Reiki.

Reiki can be sent to anybody telepathically (distance Reiki). Reiki can be also be used to help people during natural disasters (e.g. Flood, Tsunami….).

How one can learn Reiki?

Reiki can be learned or given to any irrespective of their Age, Race or Sex. One has to first learn the proper technique from Reiki Grand Master. One can become a Reiki healer with in a week of training. After a proper training one can practice and use the Reiki to heal self or others.

Reiki Grand Masters are the one who has learned the highest level of Reiki Attunements and practices it regularly and also has very high positive attitude. There are total Five level of Reiki Attunements and three different Reiki techniques (Karuna, Usui, Teramai). One can learn any one of the above type of Reiki.

How one can choose a Reiki teacher or healer?

First of all Reiki teacher should a very positive person and should have dedication and interest in helping others because without this one can not heal others.

One should also find out what level of Attunements (s)he has achieved and what is he(r) lineage.

How Reiki operates and heals others?

Reiki operates through the body, typically hand. Reiki healer typically uses his or her hands to first collect cosmic energy and then transmit it to heal others.
Reiki healer need not touch the person during the process but in some cases he can either put his(or her) hand on other person’s body (e.g. on eyes, stomach) to better target the disease area in the body. The healing process typically takes 90 minutes and sometimes the process may have to be repeated few times in a week to get the desired healing results.

One can also learn Reiki and practice by themselves to heal self and others.